Zomato Order Tracker

Zomato is India's largest food delivery platform, with millions of users ordering food every day. As a Senior Product Designer, I was tasked with Redesigning the order tracker from scratch.
Based on analysis of support chats and internal tracking matrices we identified 2 user problems we wanted to solve with this redesign
- 👉 Reducing user anxiety about the status of their order.
- 👉 Help users build trust in the system.
Additionally we wanted to make the order tracker scalabe to support new product offerings such as Grocery delivery, and Medicine Delivery.
Approach 1
This approach focused on simplicity and communicating the order status with elegant conversational copy and color association.

Approach 2
This approach focused on complete transperency and showed a detailed tracker accesible through progressive disclosure.

We did a A/B test for the both approahches vs the old tracker over a period of a months accross our standard segments.The matrices we were comparing them against were Orders requiring support(ORS) and order cancellation.
Approach 1 was a clear winner for us. with an improvement of 27% less Orders requiring support and 16% less cancellations
On the other hand Approach 2 was performing worse than the old tracker with an uptake of 4% on the ORS
As of now Approach 1 is currently Live and is now the new order tracker for Zomato.
We designed both the approaches to be scalable. The entire system is build using components, autolayout and variants with 1:1 mapping to code, here are a few examples.